Your financial independent journey
starts here

Personal Growth

In ModernGroup, we see personal growth equally important as creating wealth.

Our focus is always on growing our people to be more professional and knowledgeable. Lots of technical and softskill training will be conducted and you will get the chance to meet a lot of professional and expert in specific area. You will also be encouraged to take up professional papers on areas you interested in.

Remember, self enrichment is far way better than just having lots of money in the bank account.

Business Opportunities

Various Business Opportunities

  • We have various products available for you to meet your prospect needs in every stage of life.
  • We only work with reliable and well-known services providers. It allows you to use the best products to match your prospectโ€™s needs.

Various Business Tools

  • We as well as our partners are actively investing in technologies and tools. We believe it will give better experience to our consultants and our clients.
  • We use apps like iZelect to facilitate our presentation as well as closing the deal.
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Business Tools

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.


Support and Training

  • Our weekly meeting will refresh you with the important news of the industry. We will also invite a special guest each week to share their secret or new information that is helpful to you.
  • Technical training will also be conducted every Wednesday to help you better running your business.

Buddy System

  • New to this industry? No problem, in Moderngroup we will assign 1 buddy to you and he/she will take you through your journey.

work hard
play hard

We Celebrate Success